
Want to Support VANTAGE? Become an Advocate!

By publicly recommending and supporting a positive perspective on aging, you have the ability to speak or write in support of the programs we provide to promote successful aging across Ohio.

How Can you Advocate?
It is so simple!  Write a letter-yes, an old-fashioned, pen to ink, handwritten or typed, send in the mail, LETTER!

To whom: Your elected officials! Click this link to find your elected officials and write them an actual letter! Writing letters in your own words is an efficient and effective way to influence Members of Congress. Since congressional offices receive only a handful of letters on most issues, each carriers real power. 

And say what? Tell them your story and how continued cuts will impact you and your family! Let them know how you, a neighbor, family member, or friend will be impacted by any cuts to funding! Let them know that all older Americans deserve the right and need access to nutritious food, job training opportunities, transportation, health care, heat, and more!  Urge elected officials to increase funding to meet the growing population of older adults! Remember, they work for YOU!

What is the Older Americans Act?

The Older Americans Act (OAA)is federal legislation that supports the social and nutrition services to Americans over age 60 since 1965.  The stated purpose of the OAA is to ensure equal opportunity to the fair and free enjoyment of adequate income in retirement; the best possible physical and mental health services without regard to economic status; suitable housing; restorative and long term care; opportunity for employment; retirement in health, honor, and dignity, civic, cultural, educational and recreational participation and contribution; efficient community services; immediate benefit from proven research knowledge; freedom, independence, and the exercise of self-determination; and protection against abuse, neglect, and exploitation.

The programs included in the OAA have made a tremendous difference in the lives of seniors, and these programs will become increasingly important as our nation ages. It is especially critical that retired Americans have the support needed to make ends meet during times of economic hardship.

OAA supports the rights of seniors to live independently by funding home and community-based program to address isolation, in-home services, transportation, hunger, elder-abuse prevention and more.  Funding for OAA programs has decreased by 18% over the past 20 years while the senior population has grown by 34%.

The Older Americans Act Reauthorization Act of 2016 passed by Congress reauthorized programs for FY 2017-through FY 2019.  While this was a step in the right direction in protecting this important legislation, it’s just as critical that the OAA continues to be adequately funded.  Unfortunately, the proposed federal budget currently eliminates most of the funding provided by OAA.