
7 Ways to Help Seniors Beat the Heat

7 Ways to Help Seniors Beat the Heat

The summer months have brought warm temperatures and longer days. While many of us are enjoying the hot weather and catching rays outside, it’s important to remember to check in...
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10 People Who Found Big Success Later in Life

10 People Who Found Big Success Later in Life

This week, we are celebrating all of the contributions older adults have made to the world. Their accomplishments can be seen in art, sports, science, humanitarianism, and many more places...
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What We Know About How Ageism Affects the Workplace

What We Know About How Ageism Affects the Workplace

Sometimes, employers have negative attitudes towards older workers. While employers may think that their business doesn’t engage in any kind of age discrimination, statistics and a growing number of claims...
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Volunteering for Meals on Wheels – We Need Your Help!

Volunteering for Meals on Wheels – We Need Your Help!

These days, we’re finding all kinds of creative ways to stay active and engaged. Social distancing brought on by the coronavirus has changed the way we live and work, but...
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5 Ways to Promote Independence While Staying Safe

5 Ways to Promote Independence While Staying Safe

We all want to stay independent and engaged as we age. But, the pandemic has brought significant challenges to seniors who want to live at home and be active in...
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Be Social, Stay Distant – 5 Tips for Grandparents

Be Social, Stay Distant – 5 Tips for Grandparents

Older adults are being impacted by the coronavirus. Social distancing makes it difficult for seniors and grandchildren to stay connected. While we may be missing our loved ones, safety is...
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Telephone Interview Tips to Help You Land the Job

Telephone Interview Tips to Help You Land the Job

Now more than ever, many employers are choosing to screen candidates via phone call or video chat. Tele interviews are convenient, effective, and safe during the pandemic. If you are...
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Meals On Wheels is Keeping Seniors Safe, Healthy, and Happy

Meals On Wheels is Keeping Seniors Safe, Healthy, and Happy

During these uncertain times, we are all being more careful. We’re finding creative ways to enjoy life while maintaining social distancing and taking extra steps to keep ourselves and our...
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Staying Safe When Returning to Work

Staying Safe When Returning to Work

Many Americans found themselves out of a job this past spring amidst the coronavirus crisis. As of April, one in four small businesses had temporarily closed their doors due to...
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5 Ways Seniors Can Improve Balance at Home

5 Ways Seniors Can Improve Balance at Home

These days, we are all trying to stay safe and healthy at home. For seniors, it’s especially important to promote safety in day-to-day life to maintain independence. One key factor...
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